Meorat Hamachpeilah


Days of work went into painting this iconic & holy site Mearat Hamachpelah in Chevron. While I generally love the freedom & creativity of painting more abstract, once in a while I like to bring something more realistic into reality.

After painting this, my kids replayed so many memories of our visit there. The splendid structure, the beautiful interior and the feeling of being so close to our forefathers. One of my kids remembers getting a beetle bite near the grape vines up the hill, behind the bushes on the right and another remember eating watermelon ices to cool off from the heat.

“Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of? Are we the shining star you saw at night?”

These lyrics from @8thdayband were going through my head as we visited Avraham’s (Abraham) & the forefather’s & mother’s kever (buriel site). That song created an image for me, of a loving father who we can turn to.

Visiting this site brought me way back to Biblical times where G-d promised Avraham that his children will be numerous like the stars in the sky. I felt these emotions when painting this site into reality.


22″x28″ Acrylic on canvas